Fish and chips lunch

How to cook with leftover food : how to repackage leftover food using the casserole method


Leftover turkey casserole with frozen broccoli and cream of mushroom soup
Leftover turkey casserole with frozen broccoli and cream of mushroom soup

Aug 3, 2020

Hello World!  What do you do with leftover food in your fridge?  Are leftover dishes becoming a source of stress for you because your children don’t want to eat leftover food?  I’ve been facing the same issue for years and have been thinking about how best use them.  I have been writing a post every Monday since July, 2020 about how to repackage leftover food.  Last week I talked about how to repackage leftover food using the pie/quiche method.  Please click the link to find more about them.  

In today’s post I would like to show you how to repackage leftover ingredients (can be meat or veggies) into a casserole dish!  I love casserole dishes because they are typically featured in all important family dinners such Christmas and Thanksgiving here in many North American families.  Casseroles are delicious, and even better they can be easily put together if you have leftover meat or veggies!  My method of casserole making is very easy and healthful.  So please stay with me.  😊

Feature Recipe of the day: 
Leftover turkey casserole with frozen broccoli and cream of mushroom soup


Leftover turkey (1 cup, cubed), frozen broccoli (1 lb., you can also use any cooked, leftover veggies), onion (1 med size, chopped roughly), cream of mushroom soup (2 cups), bread crumb (1 cup),  butter (1 TB), kosher salt, garlic powder (optional) and pepper.


*Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

1.  Cook onion in a skillet with a little of oil, until fragrant and tranlucent.

*Note:  I would normally add a pinch of kosher salt to the onion to bring out the flavor but in this dish I don’t because it will be combined with cream of soup which is quite salty. 

2.  Add leftover turkey to the skillet until heated through and nicely combined with onion.  Add some pepper and garlic powder to bring out the flavor of the turkey and onion. 

3. Add one cup of cream of mushroom soup to the turkey onion mixture. 

4. While preparing the turkey onion mixture, prepare frozen broccoli by immersing it briefly, about 30 secs, in a pot of boiling water.  Drain broccoli well.

5.  Mix broccoli with the remaining 1 cup of cream of soup.

6.   Now it’s time to assemble all the components in a casserole dish in the order of:  half of broccoli mixture, turkey onion mixture, remaining half of broccoli mixture.  Sprinkle bread crumb on top with some knobs of butter. 

7.  Bake casserole until bread crumb turns golden brown and all ingredients come together nice and fragrant and bubbly for about 20-30 min. 

Leftover turkey casserole with frozen broccoli and cream of mushroom soup
Leftover turkey casserole with frozen broccoli and cream of mushroom soup

So there you have it!  Leftover turkey casserole!  Hope you enjoy your new creations using this as a template! 

Thanks for visiting and please share your thoughts and suggestions in the comments!  Happy cooking and see you in the next post !! 😊💗