Simple tomato salad with Brie cheese

How to cook with CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) week 13 : CSA Kimchi!!



This week I received radish, kale, chard, tomatillos, tomatoes, corn, peppers and cilantro.

Recipe 1: CSA radish kimchi:

CSA radish kimchi
CSA radish kimchi

Kimchi is Korean method of pickling vegetables.  Any vegetables can be pickled using a paste consisting of garlic, ginger, gochugaru (optional), salt and fish sauce (optional).  The main ingredients are garlic and salt.  The rest are pretty much optional.  Understanding the concept of kimchi making helps how to learn kimchi with success over time!  😊

In today’s post, I will show you how to make kimchi using veggies I received from Pam, the owner of Eight Miles Creek Farm.

Ingredients: radish (about 5 whole radishes with leaves and stems), peppers (2 peppers, any kind will do), garlic (10 TB, chopped), ginger (1 TB, chopped), fish sauce (1/4 cup, optional), sugar (1 TB, optional), gochugaru (1 cup), sea salt (1-2 cups, preferably for kimchi making, found in Korean stores). 


1.  Wash all the veggies thoroughly. Chop them into bite size pieces, if desired, as shown in the photos.

2.  Brine veggies. Sprinkle salt on stems and leaves of radish.  Add about a cup of water and mix well with the veggie.  Let sit until stems become pliable for about 3 hours. 

Brining veggie with sea salt and water
Brining veggie with sea salt and water

3.  Rinse brined leaves and stems.  Now brine radish roots using the same brining solution (to save salt, I “recycle” the solution). Let cubed radish brine until nicely seasoned (I brined it overnight). Drain and rinse radish with water briefly. 

Brining cubed radish roots in salted water
Brining cubed radish roots in salted water

4.  Make kimchi paste by mixing garlic, ginger, fish sauce and gochugaru. 

Making kimchi paste with garlic, ginger, fish sauce, and gochugaru
Making kimchi paste with garlic, ginger, fish sauce, and gochugaru

Optional veggies for kimchi: peppers!
Optional veggies for kimchi: peppers! 

5.  Mix brined radish stems, leaves and roots in the paste.  Add some peppers and cilantro, if desired. 

6.  Place kimchi in a container to ferment for 1-2 days before placing in the fridge. 

All components of kimchi are ready now to be mixed and fermented!
All components of kimchi are ready now to be mixed and fermented!

  Thanks for visiting and please leave comments to share with the world.  See you in the next post!  Happy cooking!!  😊💗