Fish and chips lunch

Delicious and nutritious lunches ideas blog post #10: Tuna hummus lunch



This is a very easy yet nutritious lunch. The key to making this dish is to use lemon juice or vinegar to brighten flavors!  Curry spices add to the dish as well!  😊

Tuna hummus lunch served with tortilla chips and veggies
Tuna hummus lunch served with tortilla chips and veggies

Recipe: Tuna hummus:

Ingredients: canned tuna (4 oz., drained of liquid), canned beans (15 oz., drained of liquid), lemon (juiced), garlic (2 cloves), extra virgin olive oil (1/4 cup), mustard (1-2 TB), mayo (1 TB), parsley (optional), curry spices (small amount).

Ingredients used for tuna hummus include: pinto beans,  canned tuna, parsley, mustard and garlic
Ingredients used for tuna hummus include: pinto beans,
canned tuna, parsley, mustard and garlic


1.  Process all ingredients in the food processor until desired consistency is achieved.

2.  Season to taste with salt.

3.  Goes well with veggies, crackers or tortilla chips.

Tuna pinto beans hummus
Tuna pinto beans hummus

 Thanks for visiting and please leave comments to share with the world.  See you in the next post!  Happy cooking!!  😊💗